Local Events
Do you have an event coming up in San Patricio County?
If so, send
the information and we'll include it here for you.
Do you have an event coming up in San Patricio County?
If so, send
the information and we'll include it here for you.
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Do you have some information that will fit on this page?
If so, please send an email to
Jimmy so others may find your information...
you never know when you might find a relative you didn't know you had!!
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Please be aware I do not live in San Patricio County, and I am not able to do local research for you. If you have specific questions, I would recommend San Patricio Mail list.
Copyright ©
TXSanPatricio - Jimmy Epperson
For comments, ideas, suggestions, etc please e-mail
Jimmy .
Last Modified - Apr 25 2024