Sinton, March 30 -----(Sp)-----Two close friends and neighbors, Hubbard M. Eads, 82, and Edward W. McGloin, 59, died within four minutes of each other here today.
The Eads residence is across the street from the McGloin home, and for many years the two men had been fast friends. For the past several weeks McGloin had been a frequent visitor in the Eads home, where Eads was confined with an illness.
Mrs. C. D. Eads, daughter-in-law of Hubbard Eads was a sister of McGloin. At 8:27 o’clock this morning Eads died.
At approximately the same moment McGloin was finishing breakfast. He lighted a cigarette, walked into the parlor of his home and sat down in a chair.
When at 8:30, the telephone rang with the news of Ead’s death; McGloin was dead of a sudden heart attack.
Corpus Christi Caller
Mar. 31, 1937
p. 1 col. 4
Research: Msgr. Michael A. Howell
Mar. 9, 2004